Monday, January 26, 2015

60% increase in FII investment from Jan'14 to Jan'15 - Read Progress Report.

Dear Investors,
Happy Republic Day!
          FII has increased the investment from 13,323 on January, 2014 to 21,323 on January 23, 2015. It has given the 60% increase from last year and we are expecting more bullish on Indian market when they streamline the new policy on nuclear deal. Obama visit on India will help the India to grow next level. We have lot of potential in talents, culture and well diversified people in united way. Mr. Modi an energetic PM brings lot of confidence to major business giants to invest in India. A initiative today will lead a big difference tomorrow. Our stock market has more capacity to reach great heights soon. FII believes investing in India is more secure and makes good return in future. So we are looking some positive sign on Investment. 

Read the snapshot and the same will be posted in blogs and

Best Wishes,

Power Bull

Prince Infocity phase II , 

Old Mahabalipuram Road (OMR), Chennai-600 096.

Land Line: 044-40423233, Cell: 91 99623 24152, Fax: 91 44 4042 3103


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