Dear Investors,
It's not your salary that makes you rich, it's your spending habits- Charles Jaffe
Thank God, We surveyed!! BREXIT (Britain Exit) and REXIT (Raguram Rajan, RBI Governor) was the major event for market roller coaster. As per PESTLE analysis (Political, Economy, Social, Technology, Legal and Environment) complete relook needs to be evaluated for each business operates in UK & EU.
As it is a new experience in our tenure of BREXIT we were not sure on market movement for the first week. Now we can see good momentum and trend confirmation of bullish market across global. We will see good inflow of money to EU from UK and more business may move the registered office from UK to EU. They can easily move the fund across different nations in EU and consider UK as separate line of operation. So the amount of staff recruitment will be increased in EU and see some impact in UK. Due to the strong change in environmental, the gold investment has been drastically increased in last quarter across globe.
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Thank God, We surveyed!! BREXIT (Britain Exit) and REXIT (Raguram Rajan, RBI Governor) was the major event for market roller coaster. As per PESTLE analysis (Political, Economy, Social, Technology, Legal and Environment) complete relook needs to be evaluated for each business operates in UK & EU.
As it is a new experience in our tenure of BREXIT we were not sure on market movement for the first week. Now we can see good momentum and trend confirmation of bullish market across global. We will see good inflow of money to EU from UK and more business may move the registered office from UK to EU. They can easily move the fund across different nations in EU and consider UK as separate line of operation. So the amount of staff recruitment will be increased in EU and see some impact in UK. Due to the strong change in environmental, the gold investment has been drastically increased in last quarter across globe.
To read more Click below link
Best Wishes,
Power Bull
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